She did not stand aside

Volume 39, nr. 1 10 minutes By Michelle Moonen, English This article reveals the dynamic interplay between invented traditions, imagined communities and commemoration of the Second World War within the Utrecht student association U.V.S.V. The Utrecht student association U.V.S.V, a so-called ‘gezelligheidsvereniging,’ has its own way of traditions commemorating the Second World War. How can […]

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Women’s roles in Game of Thrones

Volume 38, nr. 3 5 minutes By Tessa Russchen, English Observing the depiction of women in Game of Thrones through a historical lens: “Brienne of Tarth and Arya Stark demonstrate the potential of female agency in a male-dominated society.” Tessa Russchen is a third-year History student. She is currently on exchange in Dublin, following the […]

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Producing punk

Volume 38, nr. 3 10 minutes By Merlijn Barkema, English The history of the ‘anarchy shirt’: “Commodification and consumption were always part of the punk subculture.” What do fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, artist and producer Malcolm McLaren and the band members of the Sex Pistols have in common? They are the central figures in the […]

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