
Studio ’82 Historical Podcast Aanzet is the podcast of the popular-scientific Historical Journal Aanzet. In addition to reading our articles, you can now also enjoy listening to a spoken interview, to be found on Spotify! Made for and by students.

Episode 2 – Is the West turning conservative? (In Dutch)

In episode #2 of Studio ’82 Historical Podcast Aanzet we discuss the rise of conservatism and nationalism in the west with Prof. Dr. Annelien de Dijn. De Dijn takes us into the historical roots of these ideological movements and the recent popularity of the right in elections.

Read the accompanying English webspecial here.

About the speaker

Prof. Dr. Annelien de Dijn is an award-winning author and historian. Her research focuses on the history of political thought in Europe and the United States from 1700 to the present, and she also has an interest in antiquity and the Renaissance. Her specialization is about freedom and how this term is interpreted in history. She currently teaches at the University of Utrecht, where she holds a chair in political and intellectual history.

The producers

Boris Wesseldijk is the Commissioner of External Affairs of the Utrecht Historical Study Association (UHSK). Last year, he was secretary to the editorial staff of The Aanzet. This year, he embarks on a new adventure with the podcast Studio ’82. Boris is a third-year History student and followed the specialisation in ‘Political conflict in modern Europe’. The history of ideas and their political consequences within government are among his main interests. This is why he is currently also following a minor in Public Administration (B&O).

Amber Verspui is currently a fourth-year history student. Within the programme, her passion is socio-economic history. In particular: research on the welfare state and the history of economic thought. Besides her studies, she tries to connect history with current affairs through extracurricular activities. As a former UHSK board member, she organised several lectures and as a current student assistant in the Economic and Social History group, she is also working on several projects. Moreover, she is working on The Aanzet‘s historical podcast, Studio ’82, which she is now enthusiastically committed to.

Thomas Rademaker is currently a first-year history student. He is particularly interested in political and military history, both ancient and contemporary. Since the beginning of this academic year, Thomas has been an editor at Historical Journal Aanzet and is also a podcast maker for Studio ’82.