About Aanzet

Historical journal Aanzet is the magazine for and by history students in Utrecht. Each year we publish three editions in which we give students the chance to rewrite their paper or essay into a popular scientific article.

Aanzet was initially founded in 1982. The magazine is of course part of the UHSK and we also publish in its name. The committee consists of history students who study at Utrecht University. Bachelor and master students, Dutch and international. Being an editor for the Aanzet not only involves helping students with rewriting their papers, but you can also contribute in writing one of our rubrics, designing the magazine and updating the social media and website.

What do you find in the Aanzet?

Every edition of the Aanzet contains four English and Dutch articles written by students with the help of our editors. Besides, we have several rubrics. In ‘De passie van…’ (The passion of…) we interview teachers about their passions in their profession or personal life. In every edition, the ‘Hoe geschiedenis jij?’ (How do you history?) discusses a certain way of doing historical research. In the ‘Beeldspraak’ rubric, a specific historical object is described, as well as its historical meaning. The ‘Inzet’ is the Aanzet opinion piece where students can defend a standpoint regarding historical research of education. And finally, we also write Reviews about books, movies/series, podcasts and exhibitions.

Want to publish an article?

The Aanzet is always looking for new papers to publish. Did you write one, just lying there on your desk, waiting to be read by more people than just your teacher? Email it to the Aanzet and we’ll help you with turning it into a popular scientific article! If you have questions about the committee or are interested in being a part of it, feel free to contact us!

Contact: redactie.aanzet@gmail.com