Submitting articles

Would you like to know how to publish an article? Or are you looking for an additional publication to add to your CV? You are free to submit pieces.

The Aanzet is looking for new submissions at different times of the year. So if you have written a good paper or an interesting thesis, you can always send it in. Submit your piece(s) via this form. The editors will then decide whether to publish it.

What are the editors looking for?

  • Interesting topics
  • Strong argumentation
  • Fine writing style
  • Pleasant collaboration!

How does the editing process work?

  • At an initial meeting, the editors decide which articles to publish.
  • The editors contact the author and provide feedback. An article, not a rubric, is up to 2,500 words long.
  • After a second meeting, a few weeks later, the author gets more feedback. Usually via comments via Google Docs.
  • After the last meeting, the author puts the finishing on their piece.
  • Final editors check all articles for the last time.
  • Designer puts the edition together.
  • Publication and promotion!

The editors respond as soon as possible, and can be reached at