Uit het archief van Utrechtse scheldwoorden: ‘Wat is er anno 2020 eigenlijk verkeerd aan ‘Utrechtenaar’?’
Categorie: Eigentijds
De oervrouw: jaagster toen, prooi nu
Een kort essay over prehistorische vrouwelijke jagers en hoe ze zijn genegeerd in de academische wereld: ‘Bewijzen voor vrouwelijke jagers zijn er al jaren, maar toch worden ze niet gezien.’
Feminisme of Feminismes?
Review of: Feminisms: A global history by Lucy Delap: ‘Ze vergelijkt de geschiedenis van feminisme met een mozaïek.’
Gelijke politieke positie eindelijk primair
In 2022, for the first time in Dutch history, there were as many female ministers as male ministers. A historical highlight. Unfortunately, women’s emancipation in politics does not end here. We still have a long way to go to really achieve gender equality in Dutch politics.
De passie van… Enno Maessen
In this De passie van…, Enno Maessen explains his passion for urban history and the diversity of Istanbul. The interview discusses where this love for urban history and Turkey originated from and explains the importance of the experience of space. Enno hopes to share his passion with students and colleagues alike. Hopefully, this De passie van… inspires you to delve a little deeper into the possible fields of exploration within urban history and Turkey.
Vanuit de nevelen van de geschiedenis tot mensen van vlees en bloed
How do you write a history about people who cannot be found in archives? That question is the central part of Suze Zijlstra’s De voormoeders. Dasja Zonneveldt read and reviewed the book.
De passie van… Maarten Prak
On the 2nd of July, the notable and renowned Professor Maarten Prak ended his tenure at Utrecht University. For years, he has been committed to the meticulous study of history and high-quality education. We talked about Maarten Prak’s passion for the polder model during this interview. Moreover, we discussed its history and the effect of the phenomenon on contemporary society.